1. 1
    Creator: Edward Williams Clay, 1799-1857
    Year: 1831
    In collection: Digital Records
    Description: '; ...The economic plan known as the "American system" is caricatured in this lithographed political cartoon. ...
    Link to Digital Library record
  2. 2
    Creator: John L. De Mar, 1865-1926
    Year: 1907
    In collection: Digital Records
    Description: '; ...In order to avoid further economic collapse during the Panic of 1907, "trust-busting" President Theodore Roosevelt set aside enforcement of antitrust laws, allowing US Steel, a major corporate trust, to buy out Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Company. ...
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  3. 3
    Creator: John L. De Mar, 1865-1926
    Year: 1908
    In collection: Digital Records
    Description: '; ...  Roosevelt had approved the takeover during his own administration in order to avoid further economic collapse during the Panic of 1907....
    Link to Digital Library record
  4. 4
    Creator: Nast, Thomas, 1840-1902
    Year: 1862
    In collection: Digital Records
    Description: '; ...The Confederacy at the time was experiencing ballooning inflation rates and other economic issues.<br /> This cartoon was published in the same issue, and on the same page, as &quot;Lincoln&#39;s Last Warning&quot; (record #2188)....
    Link to Digital Library record