A catechism and confession of faith, approved of and agreed unto by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself chief speaker in and among them: which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines, which are most surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland, who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers; yet are found in the one faith with the primitive church and saints, as is most clearly demonstrated by some plain Scripture testimonies (without consequences or commentaries) which are here collected, and inserted by way of answer to a few weighty, yet easy and familiar questions, fitted as well for the wisest and largest, as for the weakest and lowest capacities.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690
Other Authors: Wilson, James, 1764-1841 (Printer)
Format: Book
Published: Wilmington, Del., Printed and sold by James Wilson, no. 105 Market Street, 1821.

Library Company

Holdings details from Library Company
Call Number: LCP Old HSP Db 4398
Copy 1 Available