Poor Richard, 1742 : an almanack for the year of Christ 1742, being the second after leap year : [six lines of quotation] wherein is contained, the lunations, eclipses, judgment of the weather, spring tides, planets motions & mutual aspects, sun and moon's rising and setting, length of days, time of high water, fairs, courts, and observable days : fitted to the latitude of forty degrees, and a meridian of five hours west from London, but may without sensible error, serve all the adjacent places even from Newfoundland to South-Carolina

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790
Format: Book
Published: Philadelphia : Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the new printing-office near the market, [1741]

Library Company

Holdings details from Library Company
Call Number: LCP Aja.07
Copy 1 Available