J. G. Brill Company order 20837 photograph negative, 1919

An acetate negative from the Philadelphia-based J.G. Brill Company. They manufactured interurban rail-cars, trolleys, and buses and photographed finished and unfinished products for clients and company records.

This negative depicts 1-21 E trail trucks less wheels and axles built for Jo...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: The J. G. Brill Company (Creator)
Collection:The J. G. Brill Company records (#1556)
Dimensions:12.7 x 10.2 cm
Box Number:Box 7201-7300
Format: Electronic
Copyright:Please contact Historical Society of Pennsylvania Rights and Reproductions (rnr@hsp.org)
Online Access:https://digitallibrary.hsp.org/index.php/Detail/objects/13201
Summary: An acetate negative from the Philadelphia-based J.G. Brill Company. They manufactured interurban rail-cars, trolleys, and buses and photographed finished and unfinished products for clients and company records.

This negative depicts 1-21 E trail trucks less wheels and axles built for Joseph Spiero Co. for Cia Transatlantica Montevideo. The order was received 1919-08-20 and shipped 1919-09-30.

7209: Side view of undercarriage.