Charles Reznikoff

Charles Reznikoff (August 31, 1894 – January 22, 1976) was an American poet best known for his long work, ''Testimony: The United States (1885–1915), Recitative'' (1934–1979). The term Objectivist was coined for him. The multi-volume ''Testimony'' was based on court records and explored the experiences of immigrants, black people and the urban and rural poor in the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He followed this with ''Holocaust'' (1975), based on court testimony about Nazi death camps during World War II.

In 1930 Reznikoff married Marie Syrkin, a prominent Zionist and friend and biographer of Golda Meir. Although they did not live together at all times during the marriage, it lasted until Reznikoff's death.

When Louis Zukofsky was asked by Harriet Monroe to provide an introduction to what became known as the Objectivist issue of ''Poetry'', he contributed his essay, ''Sincerity and Objectification: With Special Reference to the Work of Charles Reznikoff''. This established the name of the loose-knit group of second-generation modernist poets and the two characteristics of their poetry: sincerity and objectification. Provided by Wikipedia
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    Author: Reznikoff, Charles, 1894-1976
    Published 1930
    In collection: Published Materials